LBSNAA : Research Center

Center at a Glance


“The Center for Disaster Management (CDM) is a research and training unit. It is an Autonomous Registered Society under the umbrella of LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Apart from conducting training programs the Centre has been involved in formulation of national strategy for adaptation of the global best practices to suit Indian conditions. The Centre is involved in training officers belonging to the IAS and other civil services at induction as well as at in-service levels in various aspects of disaster management: sociological aspects, use of IT, HAM Radio, action research projects, documentation of best practices, case studies, teaching materials etc.

Since 2007 the Centre is also engaged in conducting a number of tailor-made training programmes under XI Five Year Plan for the Plan Scheme “National Programme for Training of Scientists & Technologist working in the Govt. Sector” in collaboration with Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Several scientists and technologists across the country have got exposed to the training environment of this premier Institute with unique pedagogical approach. The training programs include lectures by both in-house and eminent guest faculty (acclaimed Scientists, Management Professionals, Administrators and Policy Makers), panel discussions, case studies, films, group activity, field visits, hands on sessions and simulation exercises.”